KRISTI WELCH, shot on location in NYC, 2014.
Name: Kristi Welch
Originally from: Mississippi
Current location: Queens, NY
Agency: ReDirect Model Management, NY
Instagram: @kristi_welch
KRISTI WELCH, ReDirect Model Management.
KRISTI WELCH, ReDirect Model Management.
27th May 2014
Who is Kristi Welch?
I would say I’m a crazy passionate person. I invest all my energy and time into whatever it is that I care about whether its people or personal interest. I love hard!
What did you do before modeling?
Well I’m a kid. I just finished high school not too long ago, so I’m still learning a lot about myself and what intrigues me. Since a youngster I’ve always been involved in sports in and out of school, basketball being my main. Sketching on my balcony to rollerblading through the local parks and neighborhoods got me through those jobless summer days. Being outside was a must for me. I hate being indoors with nothing to do; it makes me feel confined. What tied my life together was the power of music. Music has always been my right hand man through thick and thin; for every life event he always finds a way to understand me.
KRISTI WELCH, shot on location in NYC, 2014.
Your personal passion or hidden talents?
Writing has always made my soul breathe. Being a teen can be stressful and writing was just one of those things that helped me escape reality. I could say it’s my happy place. Biking is something new I’ve grown to love as well! It’s great transportation and can be very exhilarating especially riding through the city. It helps me get my creative juices going when I just feel “stuck”. I’ve wanted to model since I was three years old. Every summer I would ask my dad when would he take me to New York and his answer would always be soon Kristi, and now I’m here. Modeling was and still is my deepest passion of all.
Ten years from now (you will be…)?
Ten years from now I want to be happy and successful. Yes, I know it will take plenty of hard work and dedication to get to that point, but hey I do have ten years LOL.
Favorite word?:
I don’t really have a favorite word but my most used word is trifling. When a person or situation is petty or unnecessary this word is definitely being used by me. On more playful terms, if my friend is being stingy with her sushi she is being a.k.a. “trifling”. (:
What’s no fun?
OMG Winter! Winter is no fun what so ever in New York. Like seriously, walking around in 20° weather that feels like 10° is already bad enough, then I have to come in and out of the hot muggy train station back into that dreadful weather. And don’t even get me started on rainy days in the middle of winter! That’s even worst cause not only do I have to deal with 10° weather, but now the wind is blowing cold rain on me and tearing up my umbrella. So now I’m soaked outside in the middle of New York’s winter wonderland.
Instant gratification?
Pickles, Hershey’s milk chocolate, and sushi. Give me any one of these three things and we can get along just fine! Oh! And music, we can’t forget about that of course.
Current 'eye candy'?
Rihanna..Lawd have mercy! She is so BAD! My girl crush for sure. I love me some RiRi<3
Something 'Timeless'?
Diamonds are forever, wine gets finer with time, writing captures moments, and books are everlasting.
A quote that sums you up:
“ I’m selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best.”
- Marilyn Monroe <3